In case you weren’t aware, 2019 is less than 2 months away. WHAT. HOW? Should I leave a moment of silence for that to sink in??
Not that the specific year of 2019 has any huge significance, but of course having another 365 days pass always makes you reflect back on your life:
What did I accomplish?
What didn't I accomplish?
How do I feel about my life right now?
Am I in a better, worse or the same place I was 1 year ago?
These are all very normal, but important things to think about. Sure, it can be a depressing topic if your year hasn't been all you dreamed of, but that's exactly WHY it’s important. If you ignore the fact that there were zero changes made to better your life, or even worse, choices made to actually dig that negative hole deeper (#truthbomb), YOU. WILL. STAY. STUCK.
So let me give you a glimmer of hope….you can always make a change. ALWAYS. (note: if your first thought to me saying that is “no I cant because ….” , that's right where you need to start).
2018 for me was a year of extreme transformation; caterpillar to butterfly type sh*t. Per my above photos, its easy to assume that I am speaking of a physical transformation, however that was not even in the top 3. But for visual effects, lets imagine the girl on the right as a caterpillar still in her cocoon and the one on the left a vibrant butterfly.
I have always been a health & fitness minded person, dating as far back as 15 years old when I had to beg my parents to let me work at a gym down the street. But at the time, the meaning of health was very unclear to me. I thought working out a few times a week and eating a salad somewhere in there equated to a healthy lifestyle. Fast forward through my health pause I like to call “college” and my “I wonder how many nights drinking in a row is too many” phase that rolled me right up to about a year ago. I thought about healthy choices often, that counts for something, right?? I always craved a healthy and active lifestyle, but I allowed so many other factors in my life to over power that part of me.
I wish I could pin point the exact moment my mindset shifted, but in all honesty, there was not just one. For the past year, I’ve spent countless moments creating this shift. I do still struggle, but those negative / outside factors that were once so strong, have dwindled down to a soft whisper.
So lets look at the top contenders that have created the butterfly I am today.
MINDSET. You will never get anywhere positive in life, if you have a negative mindset. I sat in on a seminar this week where the topic of “law of averages” came up. Specific to sales, they discussed how you will get 90% “no’s” and 10% “yes’s“. So if I were to tell you that you’d have to hear “no” 9 times before getting a “yes”, how would you feel? We are not here for sales, but that doesn’t mean the same idea can’t be applied. Rejection, negative thoughts, unhealthy influences, etc. will always be factors. So, you can either hold onto the fear of “no”, or reluctantly face them and complain the whole way, OR realize that its a part of the process and happily face those “no’s”, knowing that your “yes” is right around the corner.
“I can’t do this”
“I will never reach my goals”
“I will never be successful, what’s the point”
“Everyone will think I’m…..”
“This is going to be hard, but 100% worth it”
“I will not stop until I reach my goals”
“I am so passionate about what I do, I WILL be successful”
“I think I am amazing, strong, smart, etc.”
Conquer the way you think about yourself and your situation, and half of the battle is already won.
NUTRITION. Hands down my favorite element of this transformation. I have always lived with digestive issues, low levels of energy and consistent spurts of acne. As soon as I removed dairy (HUGE!!!!), gluten, processed foods and decreased my caffeine and alcohol intake I noticed these all reduce and even completely go away. The way we fuel our bodies NEEDS to be focused around health and shift away from being based around modifying weight. Eating mainly plant based and bridging the gap with plant concentrates changed my life, literally at a cellular level.
MOVEMENT. Working out has never been an issue for me, however being consistent was. This year I focused on creating a routine I enjoyed, one that was manageable around my busy schedule and something I could stick to for the long haul. My happy place within the gym is 1 hour / 4-5 days a week. I will always believe in consistency over intensity.
There were other factors that contributed to this lifestyle transformation, but narrowing down the top 3 to “nutrition, movement & mindset” would sum up 2018 nicely for me. Together, they helped me gain confidence in myself and the choices I make, allowed me to find my deepest passion in life (health & fitness) and molded a strong a$$ butterfly that I absolutely love being.
If you are struggling within your journey, or are ready to even make one simple change towards a healthier, happier lifestyle, I am here with open arms ready to help start that conversation.